Now, back to serious business. Today's topic is a bit abstract, but beautiful: fractals
It is one of those subjects that I think no lenghty discussions are necessary. The Wiki can tell you more about math and theories then I anyway. I just one to say one thing (well, a few): fractals represent both chaos and order, how they cannot exist without another, and how they create all beautiful things in life.

Once, mathematicians, philosphers and all scientists thought that we can find a 'perfect solution', a simple and elegant 'theory of everything'. Then we discovered things like quantum mechanics, fractal and chaos theories...and now we know that the truth is not that simple. Still, we know more then before - and isn't this better?
I am in a philosphical mood today. Don't worry, it will pass soon :>
Be sure to check the amazing fractal gallery at Greg Egan's page!
I am in a philosphical mood today. Don't worry, it will pass soon :>
Be sure to check the amazing fractal gallery at Greg Egan's page!
And then there were fractals.
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